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Figure 3. Consent responses and physical functional status. Denial rates are highest in patients with mean 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey Physical Component Summary (PCS) scores above the 75th percentile. Corresponding PCS scores by percentile interval were as follows: 0 to 29.8 (0%-12.5%), greater than 29.8 to 36.0 (>12.5%-25%), greater than 36.0 to 41.8 (>25%-37.5%), greater than 41.8 to 46.2 (>37.5%-50.0%), greater than 46.2 to 50.0 (>50.0%-62.5%), greater than 50.0 to 53.0 (>62.5%-75.0%), greater than 53.0 to 55.9 (>75.0%-87.5%), and greater than 55.9 to 100 (>87.5%).