Urban Travel Comparisons—Great Britain-U. S.

Robert E. Paaswell

DOI: 10.2190/0DKA-LYL6-K0CY-7U93


Data is presented to show comparisons of demand for both public and private transportation between the U. S. and the United Kingdom. In both countries the past two decades have witnessed large expenditures and investments in the private auto and highways. However, in the U. K. there is still a great demand for public transportation, and a strong reliance on walking. Further, in Great Britain there is an apparent tie of the place of residence to place of work, especially for lower income workers. This is illustrated through the development of an expected cost of the journey to work for a variety of job types in the U. K. Demand for public transit in London is seen to be comparable to that in New York, where natural restraints hinder use of the private car. The systems that feed London, British Rail, London Transport Bus, and London Underground, are compared with New York's subway system.

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