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TABLE 4. Means (and SD) of Analysis Variables—Pregnant Women in the Survey Sample



Mean (SD)

Welfare reform
    Welfare experimental status (% in experimental group) 405 59.7 (4.9)
Other indicators of financial hardship
    Employed (%) 405 58.3 (4.9)
    Chronic or acute welfare recipient (% acute) 405 43.5 (5.0)
    Household size (No. of people) 401 4.33 (1.63)
Demographic characteristics
    Age (in years) 405 27.8 (6.23)
    Education (in years) 394 11.5 (1.76)
    Never married (%) 405 75.3 (4.3)
    Black (%) 405 68.6 (4.6)
    Hispanic (%) 405 18.5 (3.9)
Childbearing motivation and abortion
    PCM 405 12.2 (5.07)
    NCM 405 10.1 (4.12)
    Abortion attitude scale (ADQ) 405 29.6 (5.68)
    Induced abortion


0.55 (0.49)

Note. PCM = positive childbearing motivations; NCM = negative childbearing motivations; ADQ = Abortion Decision Questionnaire.

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