Clinical Medicine Reviews in Therapeutics 2012:4 97-108
Published on 05 Jul 2012
DOI: 10.4137/CMRT.S3292
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Sugammadex, the first in a novel class of medications termed selective relaxant binding agents, was developed to rapidly and completely encapsulate aminosteroid neuromuscular blocking agents, thus removing them from the neuromuscular junction. When used properly, sugammadex has the potential to decrease the incidence of residual neuromuscular block and it's associated complications, as well as, avoid the side effects associated with cholinesterase inhibitors. Sugammadex may also have a role in the management of patients with difficult airways and rocuronium- induced anaphylaxis. Currently available in over 70 countries worldwide, fears of hypersensitivity reactions have delayed it's release in the United States. The article looks to examine the role of sugammadex in anesthesia and detail its pharmacologic profile.
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