Spinal Astrocytes in Pain Processing: Non-Neuronal Cells as Therapeutic Targets

Figure 3
Figure 3

Topographical interrelationships among astrocytes, microglia, and neurons in the CNS. Astrocytes (green) interact with a number of elements: i) capillaries (red; the typical astrocyte endfoot–vessel interaction is indicated); ii) neurons and synapses (blue), thereby giving rise to tripartite synapses; and iii) other astrocytes via gap junctions that permit calcium waves to spread over long distances in the astrocyte network. Astrocytes may release a number of “gliotransmitters” at the tripartite synapses or directly into the extracellular space. Increasing evidence indicates that microglial cells (white) may also be a part of the functional unit of the synapse (thereby constituting a tetrapartite synapse as indicated at bottom of figure). Glial cells are depicted in their resting state. (Oligodendrocytes, which constitute the third major class of glia, are not shown).

This Article

  1. MI February 2010 vol. 10 no. 1 25-38