Phosphorylation of G Protein–Coupled Receptors: GPCR Kinases in Heart Disease

Table 1.

Animal Models of Cardiac Dysfunction and Therapeutic Modulation of GRK Activity

Cause of dysfunction Symptoms Therapeutic agent Therapeutic consequence Reference
a ↓ indicates qualitative or quantitative loss of given characteristic; ↑ indicates qualitative or quantitative increase.
b Mutational ablation of muscle LIM protein.
c Dilated cardiomyopathy.
d Calsequestrin.
e Myosin heavy chain.
f Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
g Left ventricular.
h Sympathetic nervous system.
i Right ventricular.
Mouse models
    β ARK1 overexpression aβ AR inotropic response; ↑β ARK1 β ARKct ↑β AR sensitivity; ↓β ARK1 (49)
    bmlp DCMc ; β AR desensitization β ARKct Prevention of DCM; ↑β AR sensitivity (7)
    CSQd overexpression Cardiomyopathy β ARKct ±β -Blocker ↓ Cardiomyopathy; ↑ survival (51)
    Mutation in MHCe HCMf β ARKct ↓ Cardiomyopathy; ↑ exercise tolerance; ↓ hypertrophic gene expression (50)
    CREBA133 expression DCM; ↓ β AR reserve; ↑β ARK1 β ARKct ↑β AR signaling; ↓β ARK1 (52)
    Transverse aortic constriction LVg hypertrophy; β AR desensitization; ↑β ARK1 CARP–β ARKct ↑β AR responsiveness (55)
    Isoproterenol (β AR-agonist) Myocardial hypertrophy; ↓β ARK1; ↑β AR signaling Carvedilol (β -Blocker) ↑β ARK1; ↓β AR signaling (45)
    Ischemia/reperfusion Ischemic myocardial injury β ARKct ↑ Baseline function; ↓ injury (54)
Non-mouse models
    Sodium deprivation (rat) Chronic SNSh activation; ↑β ARK1; ↓β AR signaling (without hypertrophy) β -blocker ↓β ARK1; ↑β AR signaling (47)
    Induced pacing (rabbit) Failing myocytes; ↓β AR density and signaling; ↑β ARK1 β ARKct ↓β ARK1; ↑β AR signaling (56)
    Spontaneous hypertensive heart failure (rat) Failing myocytes; ↓β AR signaling; ↓ contractility β ARKct ↑β AR signaling; ↑ contractility (57)
    Myocardial infarction (rabbit) ↓β AR signaling; ↑β ARK1 β ARKct ↑β AR signaling; ↓β ARK1; ↑ contractility (58)
    Myocardial infarction (rabbit) ↓β AR signaling; ↓ LV systole β ARKct ↑β AR signaling; ↑ systole (59)
    Pulmonary artery banding (rabbit) RVi hypertrophy; death β ARKct ↑ Survival (60)
    Cardioplegic arrest (rabbit) ↓ LV function; ↓β AR signaling β ARKct ↑β AR signaling; ↑ cardiac function (61)
    Heterotropic heart transplant (rabbit) ↓ Cardiac function β ARKct ↑ Cardiac function (62)

This Article

  1. MI August 2003 vol. 3 no. 5 264-272