CaMKII, an Enzyme on the Move: Regulation of Temporospatial Localization

  Figure 1.
Figure 1.

Mechanism for nuclear targeting of CaMKII. A. CaMKII isoforms that contain a nuclear localization sequence (NLS) target nuclear entry. The prototype NLS of SV40 T antigen is included for sequence comparison (2123). B. The ratio of cytosolic isoform vs. nuclear isoform determines the subcellular localization of δB CaMKII (21). C. Phosphorylation close to the NLS by CaMKI or CaMKIV prevents nuclear entry of αBCaMKII (23), whereas an increased level of PP2A was associated with nuclear targeting of δBCaMKII (91).

This Article

  1. MI October 2003 vol. 3 no. 7 386-403