Serotoninergic Chemoreceptive Neurons: A Search for a Shared Function

  Figure 2.
Figure 2.

Homeostasis and 5-HT Neurons. A schematic diagram illustrates the homeostasis involving the serotoninergic raphe neurons and mental health, represented by a six-sided star. The relationships between hard-wired (point-to-point) systems of sensory, motor and association systems are represented by black triangle. The relationships between the limbic, endocrine and autonomic (PNS) systems is represented by the red triangle. The serotoninergic raphe neurons is shown as the large blue circle overlying the two triangles and serves to represent the shared function of serotonin on these systems. Note that serotoninergic neurons are in contact with vascular, glial, and ventricular systems, which supply gases, nutrition, and thermal inputs. PNS, peripheral nervous system.

This Article

  1. MI February 2004 vol. 4 no. 1 18-21