Inside Information: The Unique Features of Visceral Sensation

Table 2.

Molecules that Mediate Mechanosensation and Hypersensitivity

Molecule Description Effects in the colon Reference(s)
a References provided here are representative, not exhaustive. b TRP, transient receptor potential.
5-HT3 Serotonin receptor Antagonists attenuate glycerol-induced visceral nociception and prevent restraint stress induced colonic hypersensitivity. (66, 67)
ASIC3 Acid-sensing ion channel Knockout mice show reduced mechanosensitivity. (48, 62)
Nav1.8 Voltage-gated Na+ channel Knockout mice show reduced response to intra-colonic capsaicin or intracolonic mustard oil. (68)
P2X Purinergic P2X receptors ATP is released from the colonic mucosa by colorectal distension, and pelvic nerve afferents are activated by α,β-methyleneATP; visceral hyper- sensitivity is reversed by specific P2X1, P2X3, and antagonists. P2X2/3 (69, 70)
PAR Protease-activated receptors Luminal application of PAR2-activating peptide causes visceral hypersensitivity. (71)
TRPV1 TRPb-vanilloid 1 receptor Knockout mice show reduced mechanosensitivity. (48)
TRPV4 TRPb-vanilloid 4 receptor Knockout mice show attenuated mechanosensitivity and reduced response to colorectal distension; a selective agonist increases response to colorectal distension. (56, 60)

This Article

  1. MI October 2008 vol. 8 no. 5 242-253