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Year : 2014  |  Volume : 2  |  Issue : 2  |  Page : 49-53

Finger and palmar dermatoglyphic study among the Yorubas in Jos, Nigeria

1 Department of Anatomy, Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
2 Department of Anatomy, Benue State University, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
3 Department of Anatomy, Federal University, Ndufu Alike Ikwo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria

Correspondence Address:
Gabriel G Akunna
Department of Anatomy, Federal University, Ndufu Alike Ikwo, Ebonyi State
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Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None

DOI: 10.4103/2315-7992.153815

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Introduction: Palm prints and toe prints are epidermal ridges that form early in fetal life and are unique to each individual. This means that they can be used for personal identification in criminal investigations. They are useful in diagnosis since recurring abnormal patterns are often seen in a variety of genetic syndromes. Materials and Methods: In this study, the palm prints of 170 young Yoruba students consisting of 75 males aged between 8 years and 19 years, and 95 females aged between 7 years and 18 years were used for the measurement of the ADT angle, AB ridge count (ABRC), and total ridge count (TRC) after informed consent. The patterns were obtained using the ink method and these were taken on white duplicating paper. The ridges were counted using hand lens and needle while the ADT angles were measured with a protractor. Results: The finding of higher values of ABRC (70.77), TRC (123.07), and the average ADT angle (40.42) in female Yorubas compared with males were 68.31, 122.39, and 39.29, respectively, and is in conflict with the results of most of the studies documented in other scientific journals. Conclusion: Our study without a doubt confirms that anthropometric dissimilarities subsist based on sex. The data submitted herein can provide useful information to the forensic investigators and scientist in solving cases especially when it involves individuals from the Yoruba ethnic group.

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