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Figure 2: Phylogenetic analysis of some of the sequences of genes and proteins of nonclassical major histocompatibility complex -I(MHC-I) of the human leukocyte antigen-I (HLA-I), nonhuman primates, rat (RT1) and mouse (Qa) with respective mouse and rat strains. Nonclassical MHC-I molecules showed that these are clustered according to types of non-classical MHC-I molecules. Phylogentic tree is constructed by Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean method as implemented by Clustal w (DDBJ), Bootstra P value (1000 replicates) are indicated. (a) Nucleotide sequences of the genes included are: HLA-E (Gene ID: 3133):, HLA-G (GENE ID:3135), HLA-F (GENE ID:3134):, HLA-H (GENE ID:3136), H-Q9 (C57BL/6, GENE ID: 110558), H2-Q8 (C57BL/10, GENE ID: 15019), H2-T23 (C57BL/6,GENE ID: 15040), MR2-HFE (C57BL/6, GENE ID: 15216), RT1-M5 (BN, GENE ID:499400), RT1-M4 (BN, GENE ID: 309584), HFE (BN, GENE ID: 29199), Mamu-E (Macaca mulatta, GENE ID: 711532), Mamu-F (M. mulatta, GENE ID: 709076), Mamu-G (M. mulatta, GENE ID: 697260), HFE (M. mulatta, GENE ID: 696129), Patr-F (Pan troglodytes, GENE ID: 100169977), Patr-E (P. troglodytes, GENE ID: 462540), Patr-G (P. troglodytes, GENE ID: 494187), Patr-H(P. troglodytes, GENE ID: 741554) MHC-G-like (Gorilla gorilla GENE ID: 101143843), MHC-E-like (G. gorilla GENE ID: 101153360), HFE (G. gorilla GENE ID: 101126285). (b) Protein sequence from Genbank included in the analyses have the following accession numbers: HLA-E: BAB63328, HLA-G: BAB63336.1, HLA-F: ABD38924, HLA-H: P01893, Qa-2 (C57BL/6): AAX98170, Qa-2 (C57BL/10): AAB41657, Qa-1b (C57BL/6): NP_034528, Qa-1 (NOD/Lt mice): AAD53968, Qa-1c (B10.RIII): AAD12244.1, Qa-1d (B10.M): AAD31381, HFE (C57BL/6): NP_034554, RT1-M6(BN): NP_001008852, RT1-M4(BN): NP_001161815, RT1-M5(BN): NP_001161825, HFE(BN): NP_445753, MHC-G-partial (G. gorilla): AAL40082, MHC-F (G. gorilla): AAQ13398, Patr-E (P. troglodytes): NP_001038963, MHC-G-partial (P. troglodytes): AAK08128, MHC-F (P. troglodytes): AAQ13481, HFE (P. troglodytes): NP_001009101, MHC-E (M. mulatta): NP_001108438, MHC-F (M. mulatta): ABD38925, HFE (M. mulatta): NP_001247505 |