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Year : 2013  |  Volume : 1  |  Issue : 1  |  Page : 30-35

Contraceptive behavior, practices and associated factors among Nigerian women living with human immunodeficiency virus infection

Clinical Sciences Division, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Lagos, Nigeria

Correspondence Address:
Oliver C Ezechi
Clinical Sciences Division, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Lagos
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Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None

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Aim: Studies outside Nigeria reports that approximately 70% of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positives are sexually active and that their use of effective contraception is variable. Unplanned pregnancy and its complications are also common. However, no published study in Nigeria has evaluated the contraceptive use among of HIV positive women. This study aims to establish the pattern of use, knowledge and associated factors of contraception among HIV positive women. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire based study in a busy HIV Treatment Centre in cosmopolitan city of Lagos, Nigeria. Results: The contraceptive awareness was high at 94.6%; however, the use rate was moderate at 50.6%. Condom (52.9%) and injectable contraceptive (31.4%) were the most commonly used methods. Weight gain (2.4%) and condom slip off (2.4%) were the most common side-effect reported. Having more than 3 children (odd ratio [OR]: 2.6), being in the program for at least 3 years (OR: 2.0) and previous use of contraception (OR: 2.6) were found to be independently associated with current use of contraception. Women with less than secondary education (OR; 0.2; 0.3-0.5) and a HIV positive partner (OR: 0.4; 0.3-0.6) are less likely to use contraception. Conclusion: Contraceptive knowledge and awareness (94.6%) among this women is high, however, the use rate is low at (50.6%). Condom (52.9%) and Injectable contraceptive (31.4%) were the preferred method among women. Having 3 living children, at least a secondary education, negative partner and being in the program for at least 3 years were associated with the use of contraception.

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