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Year : 2014  |  Volume : 2  |  Issue : 2  |  Page : 45-49

Pattern of high-risk behavior of male construction workers and exposure to HIV/AIDS in an Indian metropolitan city

1 Department of Community Medicine, Shri V.N. Government Medical College, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India
2 Department of Community Medicine, Seth G.S. Medical College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Correspondence Address:
Rakesh B Waghmare
Quarter Number 01, Type 3 Quarter, SVN GMC Yavatmal 445 001, Maharashtra
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Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None

DOI: 10.4103/2321-9157.159966

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Context: Recent industrialization and globalization are changing the Indian occupational morbidity drastically. This trend leads to many workers being exposed to high-risk social, sexual lifestyle and unhealthy environmental conditions, which have a deleterious effect on their health. Aims: To study the sociodemographic status, high-risk behavior among construction workers and to suggest recommendations. Settings and Design: This was a cross-sectional study carried out over a period of 2 years on 296 male construction workers at randomly selected 10 construction sites of Mumbai city. Subjects and Methods: Systemic random sampling was used for selection and questionnaire-related to sociodemographic profile, high-risk behavior was administered and responses were noted. Statistical Analysis Used: Descriptive statistics for sociodemographic factors and morbidity; cross-tabulation and test of significance to find association between different variables were used. Results: Of 296, 78.38% workers were migrants. One-third married workers were living with their spouses. Among all workers 27.36% had visited commercial sex worker (CSW) for one or more than one time and among them 17.28% workers had not used condom for one or more than one time. Prevalence of high-risk behavior was significantly higher among Madhya Pradesh workers. High-risk behavior was significantly associated with younger age group workers and those who were newer in City. Conclusions: More than 25% of workers had high-risk behavior and that were also more in younger workers. Unprotected sexual act with CSWs predispose them to the risk of HIV.

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