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Year : 2015  |  Volume : 10  |  Issue : 1  |  Page : 16-19

Critically ill obstetric admissions into a tertiary hospital's intensive care unit

1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
2 Department of Anaesthesia, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

Correspondence Address:
Dr. A S Adeniran
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin
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Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None

DOI: 10.4103/9783-1230.169060

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Background: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) management is a critical care and may be lifesaving in critically ill obstetric patients, but mortality remains high in low-resource countries. Objective: To review obstetric admissions into a tertiary hospital ICU. Design: Retrospective descriptive study. Setting: The ICU of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria. Subjects: Women admitted to the ICU during pregnancy or within 42 days of the end of the pregnancy. Materials and Methods: A list of all eligible participants was compiled, the case files were retrieved and relevant data extracted; the results were presented in tables and percentages. Results: Obstetric patients constituted 12.3% of the total ICU admissions and 0.84% of all deliveries with 45.6% mortality; the mean age was 29.2 ± 5.4 years (range 18–42 years), mean parity was 2.0 ± 1.5 (range 0–6), 15 (28.8%) had no formal education, 39 (75.0%) were of low social class, 22 (42.3%) had no antenatal care, 41 (78.9%) were admitted for obstetric reason, and postpartum hemorrhage was the most common indication for admission (19 [36.5%]). In all, 44 (84.6%) were admitted postpartum, 45 (86.5%) had organ dysfunction at ICU admission, 36 (69.2%) had mechanical ventilation while the most common drug administered were antibiotics. Conclusion: Obstetric patients are important intensive care users, but maternal mortality remains high among them in low-resource countries despite the care received.

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