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Year : 2014  |  Volume : 2  |  Issue : 2  |  Page : 85-89

Comparison of tooth size discrepancies in patients who have had upper anterior supernumerary teeth and a control group

Department of Orthodontics, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Correspondence Address:
Khaled Khalaf
University of Aberdeen Dental School and Hospital, Cornhill Road, Foresterhill, AB25 2ZR, Aberdeen
United Kingdom
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Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None

DOI: 10.4103/2321-3825.131119

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Context: There have been a number of studies of tooth size discrepancy (TSD) in various populations, but none has investigated TSD in patients who have had upper anterior supernumerary teeth. Aims: The aim of the following study is to investigate TSD in patients who have had upper anterior supernumerary teeth. Settings and Design: This is a cross-sectional, case-control analytical study of an orthodontic sample carried out at Aberdeen Dental Hospital, University of Aberdeen, UK. Subjects and Methods: Mesiodistal dimensions of the permanent teeth on 120 study models of orthodontic patients (40 with upper anterior supernumerary teeth and 80 controls) were measured to determine anterior and overall Bolton ratios as well as the tooth size corrections. Statistical Analysis Used: Chi-square test was used to compare the supernumerary group with the control with regards to the incidence of TSD. Results: The percentage of subjects with anterior and an overall TSD in the supernumerary group was similar to that in the control group, however the supernumerary group had a greater percentage of patients who had smaller anterior and overall ratios more than 2 standard deviations (SDs) of Bolton's mean than the control group and the opposite holds true for those who had higher ratios more than 2 SDs of Bolton's mean (P < 0.05). Similar results were found when TSD was expressed in millimetric means (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Patients who have had anterior supernumerary teeth have a relative tooth tissue excess in the maxillary arch compared with the control group and thus may require tooth tissue reduction of the maxillary teeth to achieve optimal orthodontic outcome.

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