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Year : 2015  |  Volume : 3  |  Issue : 1  |  Page : 49-56

Photographical evaluation of smile esthetics after extraction orthodontic treatment

1 Department of Plastic Surgery, King George's Medical University (Erstwhile K.G.M.C.), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
2 Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, King George's Medical University (Erstwhile K.G.M.C.), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
3 Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

Correspondence Address:
Veerendra Prasad
Department of Plastic Surgery, K.G. Medical University, Lucknow - 226 003, Uttar Pradesh
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Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None

DOI: 10.4103/2321-3825.147976

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Aims: To evaluate and compare the smile esthetics in orthodontically treated subjects and subjects with an esthetically pleasing smile. Materials and Methods: Frontal smiling photographs of 80 subjects in the age group of 18-25 years (mean age of 21.97 years) were taken and divided into Group I (having an esthetically pleasing profile and normal occlusion) and Group II (orthodontically treated). Each Group had 40 subjects, who were further divided into male and female subgroups. Eight transverse and three vertical linear measurements were taken on the frontal photographs and eight ratios were derived. Esthetic scores and other variables were also obtained. The data so obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: All seven ratios did not show any statistically significant differences in both the groups except for ratio 5 (<0.05) in Group IIb. No statistically significant differences were found in the variables of the upper lip curvature, visible marginal gingiva or visible mandibular teeth, except in the visible maxillary first molar (<0.05) for males. The esthetic score showed statistically higher values for males (<0.05) and females (<0.001) in Group I. Lay persons rated significantly higher mean values for esthetic scores in Group Ia (<0.05), Group Ib (<0.001), and Group IIb (<0.01). There were no significant correlations found between the esthetic scores and the seven ratios for both the groups. Conclusion: (1) Females had a more interpremolar/smile width ratio. (2) A greater positive upper lip curvature was found in Group I males and females and was rated higher for esthetic score. (3) The visible maxillary first molar was more in Group II males and females and rated lower for esthetic score. (4) Esthetic scores rated by lay persons were higher for all the subjects.

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