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Year : 2014  |  Volume : 9  |  Issue : 4  |  Page : 149-152

The impact of continuous assessment on the final results a case study: College of Medicine, King Khalid University

1 Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
2 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, National University, Al Qadarif, Sudan
3 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Gadarif University, Al Qadarif, Sudan

Correspondence Address:
Assad Ali Rezigalla
Department of Anatomy, Collage of Medicine, King Khalid University, Abha
Saudi Arabia
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DOI: 10.4103/1858-5000.153029

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Introduction: Assessment is a dynamic and multi-faceted process with variable aims. The assessment can be continuous, a final examination or a combination of both. The method of assessment per se is not the target, but its impact on student learning is the important. The method or the tool of assessment modulates the student's methodology of learning. Aims: The aim is to study the effect of the continuous assessment (CA) on the final result (FR) of students. Study Design and Type: Retrospective cross-sectional type. Materials and Methods: Student's scores were obtained from students' results of the CA, the final assessment (FA) and the FR. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS, version 20) was used for data entry and analysis. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were applied. Results: Both CA and FA show a high level of correlation with the FR and it was higher with the CA. Correlation confident was higher between CA and FA than between FA and the FR. t-test showed a significant difference between the CA, FA and the FR. Conclusion: Continuous assessment has an impact on both the student's results and their methodologies of learning. Serious attention should be directed towards the tools that are used in the CA. Training of teachers in both exam settings and implementation is important as they have a direct effect on the methodology of assessment.

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