BoneKEy Reports | Reviews
What's new in FGF23 research?
Seiji Fukumoto
FGF23 is a hormone that regulates phosphate and vitamin D metabolism by binding to Klotho-fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor complex. Excess actions of FGF23 cause several kinds of hypophosphatemic diseases. The mechanism of overproduction of FGF23 in some of these diseases is becoming clear, whereas it is not yet completely understood. Several specific methods to inhibit FGF23 actions have been reported as candidates for new therapies for these FGF23-related hypophosphatemic diseases. On the other hand, many epidemiological studies indicated the association between high FGF23 levels and several adverse events in cardiovascular system, kidney, bone and mortality. FGF23 was recently shown to induce ventricular hypertrophy in a Klotho-independent manner. However, it is not yet shown whether this Klotho-independent action of FGF23 can explain all the results of epidemiological studies.
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