BoneKEy Reports | Reviews
Vitamin D and chronic kidney disease–mineral bone disease (CKD–MBD)
Sagar U Nigwekar
Hector Tamez
Ravi I Thadhani
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a modern day epidemic and has significant morbidity and mortality implications. Mineral and bone disorders are common in CKD and are now collectively referred to as CKD– mineral and bone disorder (MBD). These abnormalities begin to appear even in early stages of CKD and contribute to the pathogenesis of renal osteodystrophy. Alteration in vitamin D metabolism is one of the key features of CKD–MBD that has major clinical and research implications. This review focuses on biology, epidemiology and management aspects of these alterations in vitamin D metabolism as they relate to skeletal aspects of CKD–MBD in adult humans.
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