BoneKEy Reports | Laboratory Methods
Generation of rodent and human osteoblasts
Sarah E B Taylor
Mittal Shah
Isabel R Orriss
This paper describes the isolation, culture and staining of primary osteoblasts from neonatal rodents and human samples. The calvaria and long-bone assays allow direct measurement of bone matrix deposition and mineralisation, as well as producing osteoblasts at defined stages of differentiation for molecular and histological analysis. Culture of human osteoblasts enables cell function to be investigated in targeted patient groups. The described methods will provide a step-by-step guide of what to expect at each stage of the culture and highlight the varied tissue culture conditions required to successfully grow osteoblasts from different sources. A special focus of this paper is the methods used for analysis of bone mineralisation and how to ensure that nonspecific mineral deposition or staining is not quantified.
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