BoneKEy Reports | Reviews
Osteogenic programs during zebrafish fin regeneration
Claire J Watson
Ronald Y Kwon
Recent advances in genomic, screening and imaging technologies have provided new opportunities to examine the molecular and cellular landscape underlying human physiology and disease. In the context of skeletal research, technologies for systems genetics, high-throughput screening and high-content imaging can aid an unbiased approach when searching for new biological, pathological or therapeutic pathways. However, these approaches necessitate the use of specialized model systems that rapidly produce a phenotype, are easy to manipulate, and amenable to optical study, all while representing mammalian bone physiologies at the molecular and cellular levels. The emerging use of zebrafish (Danio rerio) for modeling human disease highlights its potential to accelerate therapeutic and pathway discovery in the mammalian skeleton. In this review, we consider the potential value of zebrafish fin ray regeneration (a rapid, genetically tractable and optically transparent model of intramembranous ossification) as a translational model for such studies.
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