BoneKEy Reports | Reviews
Bone muscle crosstalk targets muscle regeneration pathway regulated by core circadian transcriptional repressors DEC1 and DEC2
Jeffrey P Gorski
Jeffrey L Price
Deletion of proprotein convertase Mbtps1 in bone osteocytes leads to a significant postnatal increase in skeletal muscle size and contractile function, while causing only a 25% increase in stiffness in long bones. Concerns about leakiness in skeletal muscle were discounted since Cre recombinase expression does not account for our findings, and, Mbtps1 protein and mRNA is not deleted. Interestingly, the response of normal skeletal muscle to exercise and the regenerative response of skeletal muscle to the deletion of Mbtps1 in bone share some key regulatory features including a preference for slow twitch muscle fibers. In addition, transcriptional regulators PPAR, PGC-1α, LXR, and repressors DEC1 and DEC2 all occupy central positions within these two pathways. We hypothesize that the age-dependent muscle phenotype in Dmp1-Cre Mbtps1 cKO mice is due to bone→muscle crosstalk. Many of the myogenic genes altered in this larger and functionally improved muscle are regulated by circadian core transcriptional repressors DEC1 and DEC2, and furthermore, display a temporal coordination with Dec1 and Dec2 expression consistent with a regulatory co-dependency. These considerations lead us to propose that Dmp1-Cre Mbtps1 cKO osteocytes activate myogenesis by increased release of an activator of muscle PPAR-gamma, for example, PGE2 or sphingosine-1-P, or, by diminished release of an inhibitor of LXR, for example, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. We hope that further investigation of these interacting pathways in the Dmp1-Cre Mbtps1 cKO model will lead to clinically translatable findings applicable to age-related sarcopenia and other muscle wasting syndromes.
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