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The gene encoding clusterin may be associated with non-union


Samples of non-union and normal union bone fracture microarray data were obtained from different platforms within the Gene Expression Omnibus database to identify genes associated with a tendency for non-union.

Genes that were differentially expressed between the two sets of samples were studied using bioinformatics software HitPredict, WebGestalt and FuncAssociate. The aim was to identify possible functional interactions between the genes identified and to find out which pathways they contributed to.

The genes CLU, which encodes clusterin, and TSPAN2, which encodes tetraspanin 2, were identified as differentially expressed across all three platforms and were upregulated in patients showing non-union. CLU and genes that were likely to interact with it were found in the network involved in the transport of sterols. CLU was also linked to four pathways, including the one that controls the differentiation of osteoclasts.

The authors propose that CLU, together with the genes SYVN1, KEAP1 and MDM2, influence the pathway that drives the differentiation of osteoclasts and that may be important in the regulation of fracture healing.

Editor’s comment: This a largely bioinformatic and computational study that would benefit from validation in tissue samples from an independent set of patients. Functional validation of the role of CLU in the regulation of sterol transport / differentiation of osteoclasts is warranted.

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