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Li et al. ITGBL1 promotes metastasis of breast cancer to bone


Li et al. studied the gene encoding integrin beta-like 1 (ITGBL1) to investigate its possible role as a mediator of Runx2-driven bone metastasis in advanced breast cancer.

ITGBL1 was co-expressed with several key genes important in both bone remodeling and bone metastasis. Expression levels of ITGBL1 were also high in breast tumors that had a high propensity to metastize to bone. The authors conclude that expression of this gene creates conditions within the bone microenvironment that facilitate recruitment, survival and growth of cells from breast tumors. The gene also promotes maturation of osteoclasts, so creating osteolytic lesions that further promote growth of the metastatic colonies.

Expression of ITGBL1 appears to be essential for the induction of Runx2-mediated bone metastasis from breast cancer. Further experiments revealed more of the mechanism involved, showing that Runx2 is an upstream activator of ITGBL1 while the downstream effector is the TGFβ signaling. ITGBL1 could be a key molecular marker for predicting the risk of bone metastasis in breast cancer; it also warrants further study as a potential therapeutic target.

Editor’s comment: This study has revealed a new molecular mechanism that promotes experimental breast cancer bone metastasis. This novel finding may have important implications for the treatment and/or detection of bone metastases in the clinic.

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