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Lu et al. Do variants of the FONG gene contribute to osteoporosis risk?


In a previous study, Kou et al. demonstrated that a polymorphism of the FONG (FTCDNL1) gene (rs7605378) was associated with an enhanced risk of osteoporosis in a Japanese population. The current study was conducted to investigate if polymorphisms of the FTCDNL1 gene contribute to the susceptibility and severity of osteoporosis in a Taiwanese population.

A total of 326 mostly female osteoporosis patients were compared in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) with 595 healthy, again mostly female, younger controls from the Taiwanese population. The results indicated that rs10203122 was significantly associated with osteoporosis susceptibility (but not BMD) among females. Interestingly, r2 value of LD between rs10203122 and rs7605378 is not high (r2=0.35 in Taiwanese and r2=0.43 in Japanese).

It is interesting to note that, in a related study, SNPs rs7605378 and rs10203122 were not statistically associated with BMD in Caucasian samples.

Editor’s comment: Since the minor allele frequencies of SNP rs7605378 and rs10203122 are quite different between the Taiwanese sample and GEFOS’s Caucasian sample, this might suggest that FTCDNL1 locus may be ethnic-specific. The fact that the controls in the study were younger than the patient population also suggests that misclassification might be an issue.

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