A Solitary, Erythematous, Hyperkeratotic Papule
LCDR David J. Barnette, Jr, MC, USN;
CDR Mark Cobb, MC, USN;
Antoinette F. Wood, MD
Arch Fam Med. 1995;4(9):749-750.
REPORT OF A CASE A 39-year-old white woman presented complaining of a pruritic lesion on her lower abdomen. It had not changed significantly since she noted it 6 months previously. It would occasionally crust over and was intermittently pruritic.
Her medical and family history and a review of systems were unremarkable.
Cutaneous examination revealed a single 3-mm, well-circumscribed, erythematous papule with central umbilication on the left lower abdomen just above the belt line (Figure 1). There were no other skin, nail, or mucosal findings.
A shave biopsy specimen of the lesion revealed hyperkeratosis, extensive suprabasalar acantholysis, and a superficial dermal round cell infiltrate (Figure 2 and Figure 3).
What is your diagnosis?
DIAGNOSIS Acantholytic acanthoma.
DISCUSSION The solitary acantholytic acanthoma is a benign cutaneous tumor probably seen much more commonly than is reported. First described by Brownstein1 in 1985, his review of 31
Author Affiliations
National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Md (Contributors); (Section Editor)