283 Editorial SAGE Publications, Inc.200710.1177/0967550706072242 Andrew C.Sparkes It is with great regret that I have to inform you of the recent developments regarding Auto/Biography. As some of you might be aware, the journals published by Hodder Arnold, the company who have produced Auto/Biography for the last three years, were recently taken over by Sage Publications. While recognizing the quality of the journal, for financial reasons Sage decided to drop Auto/Biography, along with other Arnold journals, from their catalogue after the 4th issue of 2006. Please note that none of the editorial board, the reviews editor, nor myself as editor were consulted at any stage of this process. Indeed, I was informed of the decision to drop the journal by e-mail! Regardless, this means that Auto/Biography will cease to exist once volume 14 (4) is published. Currently, I am seeking another publisher to take on the journal post- 2006. However, there is no guarantee that this will take place in the prevailing financial climate. In view of this, I have returned all papers submitted to the journal to their authors, informing them of the situation and wishing them every success in finding another outlet to publish them in. As you can imagine, this has caused a lot of heartache for all involved. This is especially so for those who had revised their papers in line with comments by the reviewers and were due for publication in Auto/Biography in 2007. Against this sad backdrop, my final duty as editor is to express my thanks to Michael Erben as Reviews Editor, the members of the editorial board, and all those who have given their time to review papers for the journal. My hope is that Auto/Biography can be resurrected at some point in the future. If it is, I will be sure to let you know.