Dependence of Variability in Hydraulic Properties on Physical Properties of Field Soil
J. Y. Diiwu
R. P. Rudra
W. T. Dickinson
G. J. Wall
DOI: 10.2190/ECE7-2PY3-N3LH-VVKA
A method based on the spatial distribution of texture and bulk density has been proposed for characterizing spatial variations in the hydraulic properties of soils. Soil samples collected from the A and B horizons of the study field were analyzed for texture, bulk density, soil water retention, and saturated hydraulic conductivity. Analysis of the data showed that these soil properties are spatially variable between the A and B horizons and between zero tillage and conventional tillage treatments. A multiple linear regression relation was developed to relate the spatial variability of soil water characteristics to the variability of texture and bulk density. the coefficients of the derived relation reveal that the influence of physical properties on variability in hydraulic characteristics of soil does not only depend on the degree of saturation of the soil, but also on horizon and tillage treatment. Soil water content predicted with the derived relation compared fairly well with observed soil water content. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.