Promotional Strategies for the Prevention and Proper-Disposal of Household Hazardous Wastes

Florence Lansana Margai

DOI: 10.2190/KHGG-F66F-R7LT-5B1D


In an attempt to develop new approaches for the prevention and proper disposal of household hazardous wastes, a behavioral research project was conducted in Broome County, New York. Questionnaires were mailed to 595 households randomly selected in three communities. The questions addressed several issues including the characteristics of wastes generated by residents, their awareness of the hazardousness of these products, and their current and preferred disposal practices. Twenty-six percent of the targeted households completed the surveys. In analyzing the data, a logistic regression model was developed to investigate the extent to which residents were willing to take part in a series of source reduction and collection events. The research findings provide the basis for developing alternative approaches to ensure the safe storage and proper disposal of these products.

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