Andness-Directed Weighted Averaging Operators: Possibilities for Environmental Project Evaluation

P. N. Smith

DOI: 10.2190/18H8-9362-3363-3120


Some of the conventional methods of aggregating the performance of infrastructure projects with respect to multiple factors/impacts are considered. It is suggested that alternative forms of aggregation might be more useful; in particular, the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator introduced by Ronald Yager. Factor importance weights and fuzzy satisfaction of factors by projects may be aggregated prior to aggregation via an OWA operator. In this case OWA operator weights may be based on the "attitudinal character" of the decision-maker expressed in terms of the degree of "orness" and "andness" of the aggregation. One approach is maximum entropy aggregation where weights are derived to be as "even" (or as minimally dispersed) as possible subject to satisfying a given "orness" or "andness" constraint. Recently aggregation processes based on "andness" have been proposed by Henrik Larsen which have several desirable properties and may also be considered as alternative forms of aggregation. A simple example based on a hypothetical but realistic example by Horsak and Damico is given which involves the location of a hazardous waste disposal facility (PCB-contaminated transformer fluids) at one of three sites based on ten factors.

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