Ecology Decisions-Is Due Process Really Enough?

James R. Park
Joseph G. Monks

DOI: 10.2190/C3GR-268T-05NK-JBMP


Man is blessed with the ability to utilize the resources of the earth on a scale granted to no other living creature. But this blessing requires that these resources must somehow be distributed among all men. This has traditionally been done by economic systems, but now a discontentment with the existing system has led to a hope that "technology" can assist in the process of deciding how the earth's resources are to be developed and distributed.

"Due process of Law," an old concept in the Anglo-American legal system has been the tranditional catchphrase used to describe "fairness" in the decision process. It is still a viable concept in the new technological age of quantitative crutches and bureaucratic cliche's and is still of value in the protection of the environment.

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