The Rights of Smokers and Nonsmokers in the Workplace
J. Joseph Loewenberg
DOI: 10.2190/1VN7-Y60F-XATW-VRUW
Significant changes in societal attitudes to smoking have affected employers and employees. Even though government regulation of smoking in private workplaces has been limited, employers have found it advantageous to restrict, if not ban, smoking. One source of pressure has come from non-smokers affected by secondary smoke at the workplace. At the same time, smokers have become alarmed about the impingement on their right to smoke at any time. Unions, courts, and arbitrators have been drawn into this controversy between two competing claims. New laws remain to be tested, and new regulations may further escalate the battle.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.