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TABLE 4. Depression, PTSD, and Comorbidity as Risk Factors for IPV

Civilian sample

Military sample

Odds ratio

95% Confidence intervals

Odds ratio

95% Confidence intervals

Depression symptoms 1.034 (p = .944) 0.406–2.637 1.67 (p = .15) 0.83–3.36
PTSD 2.265 (p = .015) 1.175–4.363 2.92 (p = .08) 0.88–9.63

4.784 (p = .000)


1.34 (p = .53)


Note. Results of logistic regression for civilian and military samples from the greater metropolitan Washington, DC, area, 1999–2000. All models are adjusted for variables that differ between the "abused" and "not abused" comparison groups. The civilian sample is adjusted for race, marital status, and income, and the military sample is adjusted for marital status, number of children, and military rank.

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