TABLE 1. Intercorrelations of Clinician Ratings, Age, and Sex

Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. DTS
2. DTO .12**
3. FD .29** .10*
4. Conf. .15** .16** .40**
5. Depr. .42** –.14** .29** .09*
6. Age –.03 –.10* .15** .22** .03
7. Sex .09 –.23** –.04 –.07 .07 –.03

Note. DTS = Danger to Self; DTO = Danger to Others; FD = Functional Decline; Conf. = Confusion; Depr. = Depression; Kendall's Tau-b = Sex; Otherwise Pearson r.

*p = .05, **p = .01.