NOX Isoforms and Reactive Oxygen Species in Vascular Health

Table 1

NADPH Oxidases: Primary Producers of Reactive Oxygen Species in Vasculature

Isoform Tissue distribution NOX complex Regulation Signaling Function Pathophysiology
NOX1 Colon epithelial cells; endothelial and VSMCsa NOX1, p22phox, NOXO1c, NOXA1d Shear stress, AngIIg, aldosterone, EGF, PDGF, PDI RAC; PKCd, MAPK, PKA Constitutive low-level superoxide production; VSMC migration, proliferation, ECM; mitochondrial function Hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and hyperc-holesterolemia
NOX2 Phagocytes; endothelial and VSMCs; cardiac, renal, and neural cells NOX2e, p22phox, p47phox, p40phox p67phox Stretch, AngII, chemokines RAC Phagocytic respiratory burst; endothelial function and NO signaling; neointimal formation NOX2 mutation in chronic granulomatous disease; experimental hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemia-reperfusion injury
NOX4 Vascular cellsb, fibroblasts, osteoclasts, and adipocytes; Kidney NOX4, p22phox, (TKS4/5)c, f Poldip2h, PDI, CLCN3; AngII, glucose, TNFα (RAC) VSMC growth and migration, angiogenesis; cardio-protective function; constitutive source of H2O2 Hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertsnsion; senescence
NOX5 Testes, spleen, and lymphoid tissue; Kidney and vascular cells None; NOX5 contains N-terminal calmodulin-like domain [Ca2+]i; Thrombin, PDGF, ANGII, ET-1 CREB Endothelial cell/ VSMC proliferation, cell migration; angiogenesis Atherosclerosis
  • a Abbreviations: VSMCs, vascular smooth muscle cells; EGF, epidermal growth factor; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; PDI, protein disulfide isomerase; Poldip2, polymerase delta-interacting protein 2; CLCN3, chloride channel 3; TNF, tissue necrosis factor; ET-1, endothelin 1.

  • b Distribution may be determined by splice variants.

  • c NOXO1, or NOX organizer 1, is homologous to p47phox. TKS4 and TKS5 have also been reported as members of the p47phox-related organizer superfamily.

  • d NOXA1, or NOX activator 1, is homologous to p67phox. NOXA1 appears to prevent NOX hyperactivity by engaging kinase pathways that inhibit interaction between NOX1 and RAC.

  • e NOX2, the prototypical family member, was formerly denoted gp91phox, in recognition of its prominent glycosylation.

  • f Parentheses indicate preliminary data.

  • g AngII activates NOXs via AT1 receptors through stimulation of signaling pathways involving SRC, RAS, PKC, PLD, and PLA2.

  • h Associates with p22phox; activates NOX4 to regulate focal adhesion turnover and VSMC migration, thus linking ROS production and cytoskeletal reorganization.

This Article

  1. MI February 2011 vol. 11 no. 1 27-35