Molecular Genetics of Human Cognition

  Figure 2.
Figure 2.

Signaling pathways implicated in human memory formation. A. Ras is a small GTPase whose activity is regulated by the presence of GTP or GDP. When bound to GDP, Ras is inactive. Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEF) catalyze the exchange of a molecule of GDP for a molecule of GTP. Once bound to GTP, Ras is activated. GTPase activating proteins (GAP) promote the hydrolysis of GTP to GDP, inactivating Ras. NF1 contains a GAP, and is involved in inactivation of Ras. B. Signaling through PKA and PKC leads to activation of ERK/MAPK. In parallel, Raf-1 also activates the DM1-associated protein kinase (DMPK) involved in myotonic dystrophy. RSK2 is activated by ERK, and regulates gene transcription. CLS is due to disruption of RSK2.

This Article

  1. MI October 2002 vol. 2 no. 6 376-391