Figure 2.
Sequence alignments of transmembrane domains 6 and 2. The sequences of NSS-family members are shown for transmembrane domain 6 (Panel A) and transmembrane domain 2 (Panel B) and
indicate the relative conservation of the glycophorin-like dimerization motif (GxxxG, Panel A) and the leucine heptad repeat
(LxxxxxxL, Panel B). Note that the first glycine of the GxxxG-motif is substituted by an alanine in some sequences (30). The amino acid position of the first residue of each sequence shown is given in parentheses. (DAT, human dopamine transporter;
NET, norepinephrine transporter; SERT, serotonin transporter; GAT, GABA transporter; GLYT, glycine transporter; TAUT, taurine
transporter; CRET, creatine transporter; PROT, proline transporter; h, human; r, rat).