BCL-xL Regulates Synaptic Plasticity

  Figure 3.   Figure 3.
Figure 3.

BCL-xL enhances recovery of vesicles to the readily releasable pool. A. During 2 Hz stimulation of the squid synapse, the readily releasable pool remains depleted, and vesicles recycle and re-release from the recycling pool. B. After BCL-xL protein injection into the presynaptic terminal, the postsynaptic potential is enhanced, but after a tetanus, there is no effect on recovery of the recycling or reserve pools. C. Between stimuli at 0.033 Hz, full recovery of all pools occurs. D. Injection of BCL-xL protein into the presynaptic terminal speeds recovery of the readily releasable pool of neurotransmitter. See text for details.

This Article

  1. MI August 2006 vol. 6 no. 4 208-222