Journal Title:  Journal of Pharmacy Teaching | Vol:  7 | Issue:  3-4 | Year:  2000   
Print ISSN:  1044-0054 | Online ISSN:     

The Internet As a Course Support Tool in Pharmaceutical Sciences Education: A Primer

Assistant Professor David J. McCaffrey III Ph.D. and R.Ph.
Research Assistant Professor Alicia S. Bouldin Ph.D. and R.Ph.
Director and Assistant Professor Kathryn F. Gates Ph.D.

pages: 109 - 140


The move toward increasing student-centered learning efforts and improving students' cognitive interaction with the course content is becoming increasingly evident in U.S. higher education. Pharmacy education is not an exception. However, such interactive learning may require consideration of alternative ways to deliver course content, especially for the large lecture class. For these and a variety of other reasons, pharmaceutical sciences educators have started looking to the Internet to support or supplant traditional instructional methodologies. The integration of Internet-based elements into pharmaceutical science course offerings familiarizes students with technologies and behaviors that are likely to persist and improve throughout their careers. In addition, the Internet provides students with enhanced opportunities to contact their instructors and augments the traditional audible form of content delivery. When lectures are supplemented with slide shows, animation, video clips, etc., students have the opportunity to receive visual information that complements what is being said. And when instructors make the supplementary information available within a course web site, students can access those resources as often as they wish, whenever they wish. Such repeated exposures may ensure that students have an opportunity to explore and absorb material according to their preferred style of learning. This article presents a variety of options available to pharmacy educators interested in establishing an Internet presence for their pedagogical pursuits.