Indian Journal of Human Genetics
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Year : 2013  |  Volume : 19  |  Issue : 1  |  Page : 84-86

Fanconi-Bickel syndrome versus osteogenesis imperfeeta: An Iranian case with a novel mutation in glucose transporter 2 gene, and review of literature

1 Department of Medical Genetics, Sarem Cell Research Center, Sarem Women Hospital, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Medical Genetics, School of Medical, Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 Department of Pediatric Orthopedics, TMSU, Tehran, Iran
4 Department of Medical Genetics, Sarem Cell Research Center, Sarem Women Hospital; University of Social Welfare Science and Rehabilitation, Tehran, Iran

Correspondence Address:
Yousef Shafeghati
Sarem Cell Research Center and Medical Genetics Department, Sarem Women Hospital, Tehran
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Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None

DOI: 10.4103/0971-6866.112906

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Fanconi-Bickel syndrome is an extremely rare hereditary metabolic disease, characterized by hepatomegaly due to glycogen storage, refractory hypophosphatemic rickets, marked growth retardation and proximal renal tubular acidosis. Recurrent bone fractures are one of the hallmark findings. It is a single gene disorder; the responsible gene belongs to the facilitative glucose transporters 2 (GLUT2) family gene or (SLC2A2) mapped to the q26.1-26.3 locus on chromosome 3, and encodes the GLUT protein 2. This protein is expressed in pancreatic ί-cells, hepatocytes, renal tubules, and intestinal mucosa. Several mutations in the GLUT2 gene have been reported in different ethnicities. Herein we report an Iranian girl with a missed diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta. She was referred with the history of frequent fractures, and severe motor delay and was suspected to osteogenesis imperfecta. Following the case we detected refractory rickets instead of OI, sever growth failure, proximal renal tubulopathy and RTA, and enlarged kidneys, progressive hepatomegaly, and GSD on liver biopsy. Glucose and galactose tolerance tests confirmed abnormal carbohydrate metabolism. Molecular analysis on GLUT2 gene revealed a homozygous novel mutation in exon 5; it was 15 nucleotide deletion and 7 nucleotide insertion and caused a frame shift mutation, produced a premature truncated protein (P.A229QFsX19). This mutation has not been reported before in the relevant literature.

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