Indian Journal of Human Genetics
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Year : 2013  |  Volume : 19  |  Issue : 3  |  Page : 346-348

Mosaic double aneuploidy: Down syndrome and XYY

1 Cytogenetics Unit, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Developmental Paediatrics, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

Correspondence Address:
Vivi Miriam Srivastava
Cytogenetics Unit, Christian Medical College, Vellore - 632 004, Tamil Nadu
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Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None

DOI: 10.4103/0971-6866.120825

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Chromosomal abnormalities are seen in nearly 1% of live born infants. We report a 5-year-old boy with the clinical features of Down syndrome, which is the most common human aneuploidy. Cytogenetic analysis showed a mosaicism for a double aneuploidy, Down syndrome and XYY. The karyotype was 47, XY,+21[19]/48, XYY,+21[6]. ish XYY (DXZ1 × 1, DYZ1 × 2). Mosaic double aneuploidies are very rare and features of only one of the aneuploidies may predominate in childhood. Cytogenetic analysis is recommended even if the typical features of a recognized aneuploidy are present so that any associated abnormality may be detected. This will enable early intervention to provide the adequate supportive care and management.

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