Indian J Med Microbiol Close

Figure 1: Characteristic pattern of bands of three haptoglobin phenotypes after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Bands correspond to Hp-hemoglobin complexes. The most distal band in each tube represents unbound Hb. Hp phenotypes: First tube Hb band, second tube Hp1-1, third tube Hp2-1 and fourth tube Hp2-2

Figure 1: Characteristic pattern of bands of three haptoglobin phenotypes after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Bands correspond to Hp-hemoglobin complexes. The most distal band in each tube represents unbound Hb. Hp phenotypes: First tube Hb band, second tube Hp1-1, third tube Hp2-1 and fourth tube Hp2-2