Indian J Med Microbiol Close

Figure 2: Pedigree of a multiplex familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) family presented with positive consanguinity and two affected offsprings; 24-years woman (typed like her mother M694V/V726A) and 15-year-old boy (typed as homozygous M694V). Their uncle had moderate FMF symptoms (58 years), genotyped as M694V/Unidentified. Allele M694V is common in all affected members. Empty squares and circles are non-tested, filled squares and circles are symptomatic FMF cases

Figure 2: Pedigree of a multiplex familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) family presented with positive consanguinity and two affected offsprings; 24-years woman (typed like her mother M694V/V726A) and 15-year-old boy (typed as homozygous M694V). Their uncle had moderate FMF symptoms (58 years), genotyped as M694V/Unidentified. Allele M694V is common in all affected members. Empty squares and circles are non-tested, filled squares and circles are symptomatic FMF cases