Int J Shoulder Surg Close

Figure 1: (a) Disruption of the Acromio-clavicular joint, (b) Immediate postoperative radiograph demonstrating Surgilig screw in situ, (c) Follow-up radiograph demonstrating osteolysis of the clavicle around the screw with associated soft tissue swelling, (d) Radiograph taken after removal of implant demonstrating no further bone loss

Figure 1: (a) Disruption of the Acromio-clavicular joint, (b) Immediate postoperative radiograph demonstrating Surgilig screw <i>in situ</i>, (c) Follow-up radiograph demonstrating osteolysis of the clavicle around the screw with associated soft tissue swelling, (d) Radiograph taken after removal of implant demonstrating no further bone loss