Publication Date: 20 Feb 2014
Type: Review
Journal: Clinical Medicine Insights: Dermatology
Citation: Clinical Medicine Insights: Dermatology 2014:7 1-7
doi: 10.4137/CMD.S11305
Pediatric vascular anomalies are common conditions. These vascular “birthmarks” include hemangiomas and vascular malformations. The morbidity is about 2.5%; most of the lesions occur in oral and maxillofacial regions. Medical and surgical modalities of treatment are available for various types of vascular anomalies. Accurate and timely diagnosis is important for optimal therapeutic efficacy. Therapeutic indications range from cosmetic and patient preference to life-saving interventions. Infantile hemangioma can be treated by beta-blockers, systemic corticosteroids, laser, and surgical excision. Vascular malformations are often mislabeled as hemangiomas, which do not usually respond to medical therapy. Physicians caring for children must understand the principles underlying treatment for these anomalies.
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