Serotonin Transporter: Gene, Genetic Disorders, and Pharmacogenetics

  Figure 1.
Figure 1.

Evolutionary relatedness and sequence comparison of SERT from several species. A. Phylogenetic tree for SERT, showing relative evolutionary distances among species for SERT protein sequences, constructed using Phylip 3.5c and 3.6 (beta version as of January 2004) (J. Felsenstein, 1993, Department of Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; B. Specific conservation of SERT sequences relative to human SERT with >90% homology in vertebrates and lesser homology in insects and worm (44–53%). C. Enlarged segment of SERT TM8 region illustrating high conservation of the transmembrane region where the I425V missense mutation is located (see Box 1).

This Article

  1. MI April 2004 vol. 4 no. 2 109-123