Table of Contents

Simplified, one-stage repair of combined ascending-descending aortic disease

Authors: Luca Koechlin, Oliver Reuthebuch, Martin Grapow, Friedrich Eckstein, Peter Matt


Prevention of sudden death in ­apparently healthy athletes, where do we stand in Switzerland?

Authors: Bruno Capelli, François Regoli


Extracorporeal membrane oxygen­ation for acute cardiogenic shock

Author: Markus J. Wilhelm


How to do it? Rotational ather­ectomy of in-stent restenosis

Authors: Ganiga Srinivasaiah Sridhar, Chee Kok Han, Timothy Watson


Eine seltene Ursache der idiopathischen ventrikulären Extrasystolie

Authors: Ardan M Saguner, Shibu Mathew, Andreas Metzner, Christine Lemes, Francesco Santoro, Christian Sohns, Kentaro Hayashi, Johannes Riedl, Tilman Maurer, Christian H Heeger, Karl-Heinz Kuck, Feifan Ouyang
