Review Article: Learning about Suicide: Who Would Bear the Whips and Scorns of Time?

Michael Erben (University of Southampton, UK, mde at

DOI: 10.1191/0967550704ab006ra


By way of a review of the reissue of Durkheim's Suicide this article offers an evaluation of Durkheim's monograph in the light of current thinking about suicide and the recent and growing work in Durkheimian studies. The question of moral order is also addressed and is related to social capital theory and the development of communitarianism. The matter of increased and unpredicted suicide rates among young men (especially in prison) in the UK is discussed and linked to educational provision for disaffected pupils and to the development of sustainable individual identity. It is posited that a conceptualization of this problem through Durkheimian sociology can provide a better understanding of the phenomenon than many existing approaches to the issue.


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