Figure 4.
Quantification of injured and protective effects. Graph of injured cells at P20 (A) and P30 (B). AMPA receptor immunodensity shows significant decreases in GluR1A expression after 1×KA at P20 (C) and P30 (D); however, increases in GluR2B were observed at P30. AMPA and NMDA receptor immunodensities show no significant difference versus controls after 3×KA at
P20 (E) and P30 (F). Bars are means ± SEM of 5–7 animals per group. One-way ANOVA, *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01. DGd, dentate gyrus dorsal; DGv, dentate
gyrus ventral. Modified from (32, 45). Reprinted with permission.