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Strongly rotating flow which is characterized by steep exponential density rise in the radial direction provides unique opportunity to analyze high speed flow for longer durations as compared to conventional shock tunnels, free-piston shock tunnels and expansion tubes. Cylinder wall speed and the position of the test specimen decide the value of upstream Mach number for such studies. Experimental investigations were performed to understand the effect of these two parameters on the stagnation pressure and temperatures of a stationary body placed in high speed rotating flow. A stationary body when placed in a rotating flow field faces its own wake and as a result produces slowdown. In this paper a radial entropy factor, Ref has been introduced to account for the entropy generation which not only depends on Mach number but also on the density of the flow which varies exponentially with respect to radial position. A simple mathematical model has also been developed to understand the complex effects of wall speed and stationary body's radial position on this slowdown. The model has been validated with the experimental data and extended so that stagnation pressure and temperature are predicted with good accuracy.

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Issue Details

International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Fluid Sciences

International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Fluid Sciences

Print ISSN: 1756-8315

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